Friday 20 April 2012

I have to thank a lovely ( & very interesting) lady I met the other weekend at a craft fair.  For years whenever I've seen someone busy with a crochet hook I've bemoaned the fact that I could knit and sew reasonably well but had never been taught to crochet. Like many crafts it is much easier to learn if some actually shows you what to do. I had spent time trying to figure things out with a book and had quite literally got tied in knots.

So very kindly Sharon brought in a hook and some yarn in for me. A woman with  great patience she got my started crocheting. Teaching me a few stitches and with the rudiments of crochet I was off. Can't tell how satisfying it feels to learn something new and obviously now I have to practise ( & practise).

I'm now groaning under a stack of crocheted flowers having trawled You Tube for instructions ( just a quick google search for 'crochet flower' brought up thousands of results- perhaps not surprisingly). There are so many videos on there with folk demonstrating the making of huge numbers of different crocheted items. Knowing how to use a crochet hook and having learnt a few stitches made it easier to follow the videos, but I'm sure there are instructions on how to get started out there as well.

 I'm a convert to crochet although I'll never give up knitting - they actually complement each other nicely. So a big thank you once again to Sharon.